For over twenty years, Eastern Medical Consultants, Inc. has adhered to the philosophy of locating appropriate medical care, incorporating other disciplines as needed, working closely with the employer on return to limited duty, and progressing to pre-injury work as appropriate on behalf of the injured worker.  Case Management FIELD ASSIGNMENTS are commonly utilitzed services in conjunction with those listed below.

LIMITED ASSIGNMENTS are sometimes appropriate in warranted settings.  A specific task can be determined and when met, the case is closed.  This collaborative effort provides guidance through a particular task without over utilizing services that are not required on particular cases.

EARLY INTERVENTION PROGRAMS, utilizing telephonic nurse case management, are arranged for interested accounts and are customized to their particular needs.  This program offers a higher level of protection against inappropriate use of various services early on.  It reduces the gaps in services that create chasms of higher cost.  A professional case manager uses proprietary software to integrate journaling, calendaring and invoicing without adding administrative staff to an account's already over stretched administrative budget. 



Case Management

Copyright 2005 Eastern Medical Consultants, Inc.